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1. Perhatikan Pernyataan Berikut :
1. Ergonomy Menitikberatkan pada Karakteristik Fisik Mesin dan Sistem serta bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi Kinerja User.
2. Human Factor meliputi Studi tentang Manusia dan Tingkah Lakunya dengan menggunakan Mesin, Alat-alat Teknologi dan Sistem dalam menyelesaikan tugas.

2. Perhatikan Pernyataan Berikut :
1. Model Human Processor yang menangani Sensor dari Luar disebut Perceptual System.
2. Yang mengendalikan Aksi/Respon adalah Cognitive System.

3. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur Kapasitas Short Term Memory yang dimiliki Manusia adalah :
1. Berdasarkan Panjang suatu deret yang di ingat secara Random.
2. Berdasarkan Kemampuan mengingat kembali Item-item secara acak.

4. Perhatikan Pernyataan Berikut :
1. Penalaran Deduktif menarik Kesimpulan secara Logis dari Premis yang diberikan.
2. Jika Kita pernah melihat seekor Anjing berwarna Hitam yang galak, maka kita mungkin berkesimpulan bahwa semua Anjing Hitam adalah galak, hal ini merupakan contoh dari Penalaran Abduktif

5. Perhatikan Pernyataan Berikut :
1. Proses melupakan Informasi terdiri dari 2 bentuk yaitu Decay dan Recall.
2. Decay adalah Proses melupakan nformasi karena Informasi tersebut sudah lama berada pada Long Term Memory sehingga lambat laun akan terlupakan.

Gunakan Petunjuk Berikut :
Jawablah A apabila Pernyataan 1 BENAR dan Pernyataan 2 BENAR
Jawablah B apabila Pernyataan 1 BENAR dan Pernyataan 2 SALAH
Jawablah C apabila Pernyataan 1 SALAH dan Pernyataan 2 BENAR
Jawablah D apabila Pernyataan 1 SALAH dan Pernyataan 2 SALAH

Jawaban Tugas 8 :
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
1. Yang termasuk dalam Karakteristik Suara yaitu :
1.Timbre 3. Pitch
2.loudness 4. Amplify

2. Berikut ini yang merupakan Sensor Memory adalah :
1.Iconic Memory 3. Haptic Memory
2.Echoic Memory 4. Static Memory

3. Yang termasuk Kesalahan Krusial dalam Perancangan Interfaces adalah :
1. Menganggap Semua User Tidak Bisa Menggunakan Komputer
2. Menganggap Semua User Memiliki Kemampuan Yang Sama
3. Menganggap Semua User Tidak Bisa Mendisain Interface
4. Menganggap Semua User Memiliki Kemampuan Yang Sama Dengan Perancang

4. Yang merupakan Good Human Ability adalah :
1. Kemampuan Memahami Yang Tinggi
2. Kapasitas Long Term Memory Yg Tdk Terbatas
3. Mekanisme Konsentrasi Yang Kuat
4. Pemrosesan Yang Lambat

5. Prinsip yang tidak mempengaruhi flexibility suatu sistem adalah :
1.Dialog Initiative 3. Customizability
2.Subtituvity 4. Consisntency

Gunakan Petunjuk Berikut :
Jawablah A apabila Pilihan Jawaban 1, 2 dan 3Benar
Jawablah B apabila Pilihan Jawaban 1 dan 3 Benar
Jawablah C apabila Pilihan Jawaban 2 dan 4 Benar
Jawablah D apabila Pilihan Jawaban 4 saja yg Benar

Jawaban Tugas 9 :
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D



As the years fly by at breath-stealing speed, the aim of every self-respecting metal band must surely be to stake a claim for immortality; to carve their name with pride into metal’s metaphorical Mount Rushmore. In the modern era, as countless new (and not so new) bands jostle for position at the front of the grid, it becomes ever harder to pick the wheat from the chaff, the weak from the strong. But amid such a swarm of mediocrity, the greatest bands always rise effortlessly to the top, building in confidence and momentum with each incremental step forward, learning from their mistakes, gaining nourishment and focus from their triumphs and growing, with gathering speed, into something that truly matters. It’s 2009 and Trivium fit that description perfectly. One listen to their jaw-dropping new album, the mighty Shogun, will be all the convincing you need that their time has arrived.

“We wrote this album exactly the way we all wanted to,” says frontman Matt Heafy. “We really did our own thing this time. When people check it out, they’ll realize that we’re not an exclusive band. We’re not doing this for one specific kind of person. If you want to come to a show and rock out, that’s what we’re here for. We’re just four normal guys who just happen to be able to play metal for lots of cool people around the world.”

The Trivium story began in earnest with the release of their Roadrunner debut, 2005’s Ascendancy album; the perfect way to introduce the band – Heafy, guitarist Corey Beaulieu, bassist Paolo Gregoletto and drummer Travis Smith - to a newly revitalized global metal scene. The album exhibited great depth and musicality, and immediately set the band apart from the pack, turning them into one of the most widely hailed bands the genre had produced in years.

In the US, Europe, Japan and Australia – and particularly in the UK, where Trivium shot from nowhere to conquering the annual Download Festival at Castle Donington and becoming a major headlining act - Heafy and co. were making major waves, touring relentlessly around the globe and building up a huge international fan base.
Founded in the late nineties by Peter Persson on Guitar and Niklas Dewerud behind the Drums to perform what they thought was lacking in the Swedish death scene. A mixture of raw brutality and technical skill. With Calle Löfgren on Bass, Dennis Röndum on vocals and Marcus Nilsson joining in as a solo guitarist they had found the right mixture to play their extreme metal. The first demo "Internal decomposition" was recorded at studio Moonshine fall 2000 and received only good reviews. Chris at Retribute Records picked up on this and decided to sign the band and release a full-length album with Visceral Bleeding. The album was called Remnants of Deprivation and was recorded during three weeks of Nov-Dec 2001 in Pama Studio in Kristianopel and Salt Island studio in Karlskrona and was released in March 2002. Shortly after the CD was recorded Niklas unfortunately had to depart from the band. He didn't feel he had the time and commitment it took to continue as drummer and wanted to dedicate his time and full attention to job as bass player in Spawn of Possession.

Tobias "Rottenboy" Persson joined in as drummer shortly after Niklas departure. After trying out for a wile V.B. decided to take him in as a permanent member and there by making Visceral Bleeding a complete band once again.

Remnants of Deprivation received great response from all over the world and the reviews were overwhelming. Visceral Bleeding was at this time picked up by Record label Neurotic Records and immediately started to write, arrange and complete songs for what was going to be the album "Transcend into Ferocity". Recorded, mixed and mastered by Visceral Bleeding and Robert Ahrling in studio Flat-pig - Malmö/Sweden during 3 weeks of Dec-Jan. Released through Neurotic Records in May 2004.

Once again the reviews were overwhelming and Transcend into Ferocity made sure to establish Visceral Bleeding as one of the most extreme death metal bands out there. Following the release, Dennis Röndum decided he could not continue focusing on two bands without one of them being left behind. Realizing he could not give 100% to both, he decided to leave Visceral Bleeding to focus on his main obsession - extreme drumming in one of the most extreme bands ever to play Death metal: Spawn of Possession.

A replacement was found in Martin Pedersen who immediately joined in and gave the band a breath of fresh air with his 120% commitment, ambition and focus on the one goal: to further establish the name Visceral Bleeding in the scene of extreme death metal.

Touring all across Europe as support band to Re-united Obituary and as main support to Death metal legends Deicide made sure to spread the madness and create a devoted fan base. To further strengthen their position in the genre, the band also did a headlining tour throughout the UK during spring 2005.

During writing process of album number three Absorbing the Disarray, lead guitarist Marcus Nilsson decided to take a step back from the scene and in his place Martin "Germ" Bermheden was introduced to the band. The album was recorded in June 2006, once again using Studio FlatPig with Robert Ahrling as technician/producer.

Directly following the recording Calle got married and had a daughter, he therefore had to take a step back from the band for a undetermined amount of time, filling his shoes in the band and helping out with the recording of Absorbing the Disarray was Martin “Body” Eklöv.

Visceral Bleeding kicked of the new line-up and Album release with a five week European tour with Skinless / Cryptopsy directly followed by a four week European tour with Deicide.

VIRGIN INFERTILE terbentuk pada tahun 2010 yang ber anggotakan 5 anak muda yg kelam , keriuput , bau dan metal tentu nya.
yaitu :

Rengga as voxkill
Reddy as lead.guitar
Encing as rhtym.guitar
Rendy as four string
Ceppi as blastdrumm

Kami membuat band yang bergenre technical death metal adalah untung membangun musik bawah tanah yang di anggap remeh dan sampah bagi semua orang. dan agar indonesia juga tidak terpaku oleh musik" yang mebuat rakyat nya lemah . Dan musnahkan para posser di indonesia dan di tangerang kota tercinta kami. jiwa kami dan musik mai memang hitam kelam tapi tidak menjadi perbedaan oleh semua orang dan musik kami diterima orang banyak . terima kasih.


The Used merupakan sebuah grup musik yang berasal dari Oren, Utah. Anggotanya berjumlah 4 orang terdiri dari Bert McCracken, Quinn Allman, Jepha Howard, dan Dan Whitesides. Album pertamanya adalah The Used dirilis pada tahun 2002.

2002: The Used
2004: In Love and Death
2007: Lies for the Liars
2009: Artwork

^ BMXUltra. Review: The Used Self-titled Album. bmxultra.com. Diakses pada 11 Agustus 2008
^ Jerry Gordinier. The Michigan Daily - The Used take emo to new levels on 'Death'. The Michigan Daily. Diakses pada 12 Juni 2008
^ Andy Greenwald. Screamo 101. EW.com. Diakses pada 12 Juni 2008
^ Jonathan Dee. The Summer of Screamo. New York Times. Diakses pada 12 Juni 2008

Smile Pumpkins, nama yang kedengarannya sedikit aneh dan unik, itulah yang terfikir oleh kami bertiga. Band ini terbentuk pada pertengan tahun 2005 di Padang. Sebut saja Aditya Julian Pratama atau Adiet (drummer), yang dengan ide konyolnya membentuk Smile Pumpkins setelah bertemu dengan Harsel Kautsar (gitaris), dan terakhir bergabung Weno (bassis).

Perjalanan Smile Pumpkins bermula ketika Adiet masih bersekolah di Pembangunan High School. Disana Adiet bertemu dengan Harsel Kautsar, yang merupakan anak pindahan. Awalnya mereka hanya sekedar iseng saja, berbincang-bincang tentang musik yang sering digandrungi anak muda sekarang. Ternyata mereka menyukai genre musik yang sama, yaitu melodic punk, yang tidak lain adalah blink 182. Dari situ lah mereka mulai terinspirasi untuk membentuk sebuah band.

Tidak lama setelah itu, mereka mulai berfikir untuk membentuk sebuah band yang hanya akan beranggotakan tiga orang saja. Namun, mereka masih bingung dengan keberadaan band yang hanya beranggotakan dua personil, yaitu adiet sebagai drummer dan harsel sebagai gitaris. Berarti, masih diperlukan seorang bassis di dalam band tersebut. Tanpa berfikir panjang, Adiet pun mengajak weno untuk bergabung dengan Smile Pumpkins. Meskipun pada saat itu, weno belum terlalu mahir dalam bermain bass.

Smile Pumpkins memulai perjalanan dengan pertama kali manggung di acara perpisahan sekolah mereka di Pembangunan High School. Dalam perjalanannya, tahun 2007 Harsel (gitaris) memutuskan untuk pindah ke batam, dengan alasan ingin tinggal dengan ortunya dan melanjutkan sekolah di batam. Dari situlah berawal vakumnya Smile Pumpkins, hingga tamat Sekolah.
Pada tahun 2008, terdengar kabar kalau Harsel bakalan kembali ke Padang. Dan saat itu juga kami memutuskan Smile Pumpkins akan reunian kembali. Namun Smile Pumpkins berubah formasi, karna Adiet (drummer) memutuskan untuk keluar dan melanjutkan kuliahnya. Dengan keluarnya Adiet (drummer), diikuti dengan masuknya tiga personil baru. Aris (drummer), Martin (gitaris), dan Edo (bassis).

Dari sini mungkin kalian sedikit bingung, saya yang biasa memegang posisi bassis memutuskan untuk menjadi vocal saja. Dengan begitu, Smile Pumpkins beranggotakan 5 personil. Band ini juga tidak bertahan lama, Harsel memutuskan untuk kembali ke batam, dan Edo memutuskan untuk fokus terhadap sekolah (maklum belum tamat-tamat juga).

Dan sekarang Smile Pumpkins hanya berangggotakan tiga orang, yaitu Aris (drummer), Martin (gitaris), dan weno (bassis). Kita akan mulai bikin demo lagu di tahun 2010.

akan tetapi smile pumkins telah ditinggal 1 orng personil lagi,seorang gitaris (martin)....
dalam waktu yg dekat kami akn mnggantikan posisinya.
dengan gitaris yg baru....

dan kami masih blum mendapatkannya.....
Sinusitis terbentuk oleh Tri Sapto di Jakarta Timur (Cijantung) pada tanggal 5 Maret 2000, nama Sinusitis diambil dari nama sebuah penyakit gangguan pada saluran pernafasan. Formasi pertama adalah Sapto (Drums), Apend (Guitars), Arifin (Vocals), dan Dinno (Bass), tetapi formasi ini tidak bertahan lama terbentuk. Setelah beberapa perombakkan dalam formasi ini,akhirnya Sinusitis mendapatkan formasinya, yang terdiri dari : Arifin (Vocals), Eka ‘Bule’(Guitars), Akbar ‘Ganyonk’(Bass), dan Sapto (Drums).
Akhir Juli 2001 kami mengeluarkan 1st demo kaset yang bertitle “Victims Of Hunger” berisi 6 lagu yang kami rekam di K’ studio Jakarta. akhirnya pada bulan September 2001 Arifin menyatakan keluar dari Sinusitis disebabkan karena adanya ketidakcocokan.
Dan sebagai bukti bahwa tanpa ada vocalis tetap, kami masih dapat terus bertahan, di bulan Januari 2002 kami kembali merekam 3 buah lagu lagi dan selanjutnya pada bulan Mei 2002 kami mengeluarkan kaset 1st album berisikan 9 lagu dengan title “Life Lost In Vain” di produksi oleh label Extreme Souls Production-Bandung (indie label) dan untuk additional vocal di album pertama ini di isi oleh Irvan Nursick (Innerbeauty / Zhalim).
Setelah lama mencari vocalis akhirnya pada bulan Desember 2002 kami mendapatkan personil baru yaitu Bayu untuk mengisi posisi pada vocal. Dan sekarang formasi kami selanjutnya adalah : Bayu (Vocals), Eka ‘Bule’ (Guitars), Akbar ‘Ganyonk’ (Bass), Sapto (Drums).

Diawal formasi ini, kami sepakat melanjutkan produktifitas kami, untuk membuat suatu materi album selanjutnya, dengan bentuk perubahan suasana dan karakter vokal baru. Dan sampai akhir Febuary 2005, kami telah membentuk 10 lagu Di ZR record dengan format CD master, yang akan kami rencanakan untuk 2nd album ini. Setelah proses berjalan pada bulan September 2005 kami mengalami perubahan personil pada posisi Drums yaitu Sapto . Kita telah memahami bahwa pada akhir bulan tersebut banyak perubahan diantaranya pada kondisi keterbatasan waktu yang kita terima, sehinga kami pun sepakat untuk menggantikan posisi Sapto dengan Leohardy. Dan rencana untuk 2nd album kami bagaikan ditelan bumi yang tak jelas !!!
Untuk membuktikan eksistensi kami dalam bermusik khususnya death metal, kami tetap melanjutkan perjuangan kami ‘until now’, Sinusitis banyak terpengaruh oleh band-band dari luar dan dalam negeri. Tetapi kami tetap meramu musik sendiri dengan konsep musik Death Metal yang dipadukan dengan unsur-unsur musik lain, dengan format yang bertemakan masalah kejiwaan, kekerasan, sosial, peperangan, penderitaan, dll.Dan untuk formasi terakhir kami sampai saat ini adalah : Bayu (Vocals), Eka ‘Bule’ (Guitars), Akbar ‘Ganyonk’ (Bass), Leohardy (Drums)…………………….......” for you to witness

Berawal dari sebuah pertemanan dari kecil, sekitar umur 12 tahun (SMP kelas I) disebuah daerah pelosok Tangerang, yang tak terjamah orang kota. Hari-hari mereka dilalui dengan hal-hal yang sederhana, tapi keseharian mereka begitu sempurna ketika berkumpul utuh. Kemudian kehidupan mereka mulai terusik dengan mimpi-mimpi untuk mempunyai sebuah band besar di negeri ini kelak. Disaat itu pula mereka mulai membicarakan sebuah band yang dijadikan impian mereka berlima, serta mulai mengenali alat musik dan mulai latihan di rental studio musik yang tidak jelas suara alat musiknya. Dari situ mereka mulai memberanikan diri ikut ajang-ajang festival musik dari tingkat daerah sekitar mereka dan memproklamirkan band mereka denga nama “sinopsis” dengan filosofi arti yang sebenarnya yaitu ringkasan cerita, dengan maksud karya lagu mereka tercipta atas dasar ringkasan cerita kehidupan pribadi dan sekitar mereka berdasarkan kenyataan dengan genre musik Rock.

Setelah memiliki karya lagu sendiri, mereka semakin gigih mengikuti festival ke tingkat daerah sampai nasional dengan hasil sangat memuaskan, antara lain:
*)Festival pelajar se-Banten di UNIS Tangerang tahun 2006 dan meraih Juara II Banten
Festival umum se- Jabodetabek tahun 2006 di Universitas Indonusa Esa Unggul dan meraih Juara Favorit
*)Festival umum L.A. Light tahun 2007 di Tangerang dan meraih Juara I, Juara Favorit, The Best Vocalist, The Best Drummer, serta mendapatkan alat musik
*)Festival Radio E.M.C Tangerang tahun 2007 dan meraih Juara I serta mempunyai kesempatan berkolaborasi dengan band legendaris Koes Plus
*)Festival Umum Nasional A Mild Live Wanted 2008 dan masuk 10 besar se-Jabodetabek/ Regional dari 3200 band.
*)Festival Umum Nasional KFC Music Hit List 2008 dan meraih Juara I (jalur demo dan live perform di Senayan), dan masih banyak festival lainnya yang mereka ikuti.

Bermula dari persamaan visi dan misi dari 5 anak muda yg sedang tumbuh dewasa di tengah music-music indie yg booming di kota malang,mereka mencoba membuat band yg memiliki karakter tersendiri”SHADOWFAX”mereka menamai band ini.menjamurnya music screamo di kota ini membuat anak2 SHADOWFAX ini berkeras untuk membuat sebuah alunan music yg berbeda dengan band yg ada.segala macam jenis music menjadi tolak ukur untuk memperkaya”sense”mereka dalam bermusic.SHADOWFAX pun menamai jenis music yg mereka mainkan”screamo metal-progressive”,karena sejak awal terbentuk jenis music SHADOWFAX ini screamo tetapi seiring dengan berjalannya waktu mereka bubuhi dengan chord-chord metal dan sedikit sentuhan progressive. SHADOWFAX ini terbentuk di awal tahun 2007 dan beberapa kali pergantian personil.hal,itu membuat SHADOWFAX sempat vacumm selama 6 bulan.dengan semangat mereka yg baru dan personil-personil baru membuat SHADOWFAX beranjak keluar dari jeratan vacumm yg cukup lama dan siap untuk menggebrak di jalur indie. Sudah tentu SHADOWFAX tidak setengah-setengah dalam jalur ini,mereka selalu bersemangat…tau apa yg selalu mereka teriakkan???

Nearly a year after the release of his debut album, Awake, Secondhand Serenade is back with his much-anticipated follow-up, A Twist In My Story. Rightfully titled, the album finds Secondhand Serenade—a.k.a. John Vesely— adding onto his signature raw vocals and guitar with the use of orchestration and a full band.

Carrying the momentum of a carefully crafted career, support from his label Glassnote Records along with the adoration of millions of fans, A Twist In My Story will be released on February 19th of 2008. The album finds John coming off of one of the most hectic years of his life after appearances on MTV, Yahoo! Music, AOL, Music Choice, in Rolling Stone, and more. Rigorous national tours followed with other notable artists including the Plain White T’s, All American Rejects, and Hawthorne Heights. Additionally, John just wrapped up a 24-date tour as a headliner.

The album finds John collaborating with two industry heavyweight producers, Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails, Angels & Airwaves) and Butch Walker (Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects), as well as venturing into “a whole bunch of different styles of songs.” He knew that crafting these songs in a new environment was essential in terms of his growth as an artist, but Vesely remained mindful to never allow his surroundings change his artistry at it’s core.

“I kept a lot of those same things from the first album because the way I write didn’t change. It just became more complex. Some changes were necessary this time around because of the developments I’ve had as a person and as a performer,” Vesely remarked. “I just wanted to be creative and make the songs I wanted to make. I only used what I thought each song needed and that meant adding some new layers to the cake.”

The layers are evident right from the start of the album. Leading off with “Like A Knife,” the tone is immediately set for what is a heartfelt body of work complete with strings, signature harmonies, and lyrics conveyed with honest emotion. The Butch Walker produced ballad “Fall For You” follows, which is one of many tracks featuring John on the piano. The remaining tracks are of a mixed sort with songs like “Stranger,” “Maybe,” and the up-tempo “Suppose” benefiting from the sounds of a full band, while others like “Why,” “Goodbye,” and the album’s title track all prove to be just as effective in their stripped down form.

Overall, Secondhand Serenade is out to please his supporters, whom he notes have helped him to reach this point in his life. He claims, “Nothing in my career would be possible without my fans backing me. They are the most important people in terms of any success I have or will ever have.” It is for this reason that he prides himself on keeping a personal connection with fans both on-line and at performances.

A Twist In My Story is a new chapter for Secondhand Serenade, taking you through the highs and lows of love and life. John Vesely is a modern day storyteller following a path all his own while putting a new twist on his timeless tale.

Band ini berdiri pada tanggal 16 Maret 2010 yang bertepatan dengan Hari Raya Nyepi dan menganaut aliran Death Metal.
Band ini berdiri bermula dari kecintaan kami dari musik metal lalu kami sepakat untuk membentuk sebuah band yang kami beri nama "SANGKAKALA". Nama ini kami ambil dari buku Agama Islam untuk SMK jilid ke 2 Penerbitnya Erlangga. Band ini berawakan 4 personel yaitu Aki-Vokal, Wait-Lead Guitar, Derboi-Bass, Terong-Drum dan ditambah oleh seorang additional player yang bernama Kutil-Rhytem Guitar.

1. Harga sewa kami sangat murah hingga mendekati 0 Rp.
2. Lagu-lagu kami mudah diingat
3. Personil-personil minimal berpendidikan STM dan merupakan ahli di bidangnya    masing-masing
4. Band kami terbuka untuk umum, saling menghormati, tidak sombong dan rajin menabung
5. Kami band yang sederhana dan sangat peduli terhadap sesama
6. Selamat Menikmati
SAKSI BURUK adalah band dari Selatan Jakarta. Terbentuk dengan Line Up pertama, JAPS (Guitar), Dayat (Guitar), Bilink (Drum).Terbentuk di pertengahan 2008, usia yang cukup muda. Tapi tak mengurangi kematangan kami dalam bermusik. Musik yang kami suguhkan sangat varian, karena terinfluence dari band-band metal Eropa dan Swedia. Agar musik Indonesia lebih variatif. Bagi kami tak ada perbedaan dalam sebuah genre musik.
Saat ini kami sedang mengerjakan Demo Track yang akan dikemas dalam mini CD. Dan berlanjut kedalam sebuah Album. Kami ucapkan terimakasih atas Support dan bantuan dari teman-teman yang telah banyak membantu, agar SAKSI BURUK tetap eksis di belantara musik metal Indonesia. Semoga musik kami dapat diterima bagi pendengar dan penggemar musik metal Lokal maupun Luar..... BANG YOUR FUCKIN HEAD MY FRIENDS!!! HELL YEAH

SADISTIS is the band with sub genre Brutal Death Metal, made n dedicated on 8 Augutus 1993 in Jakarta - Indonesia by Pandi, Didit and Ukay. inspirated by bands outside country of Indonesia like : SUFFOCATION, SUFFOCATION, MONTROSITY, TERRORIZER, KATAKLYSM and CRYTOPSY, in 1997 SADISTIS begining they first terror tittle : "THE CREATION OF GOD" (FL), realese by E.S.P (Extreme Soul Production) Record in city of Bandung - Indonesia.
1999 secound terror is born tittle "D.O.M (Daerah Operasi Militer)" (FL) release by DEMENTIA Record, Jakarta - Indonesia.
third terror born on 2002, tittle "VERMICULATED" realese by ROTTREVORE Record Jakarta - Indonesia.
Now SADISTIS was preparing on next new album with a demo album tittle "MASSACRE" when they released by him self on 2008. So Be Ware Guys, we're Still Hunt U......!!!
It was all started in 1998. Our strongest line up are: Al Kautsar (vocal), Aska Pratama (guitar/vocal), Bisma Aria Nugraha (bass), Rizky Fadli (guitar), Khrisna a.k.a Ozom (Drums). We have 8 compilations and 3 full albums. Our first album "Soundtrack For Your Life" was putting out by Off The Records (an independent label from our hometownBandung) which has been sold more than 20.000 copies, and our 2nd album "Ras Bebas" now in major debut with Sony/BMG Indonesia and recently it was sold about 45.000 copies. But finally we resign from Sony/BMG and make our own records called "Reach & Rich Records" and we just released our 3rd album "Better Season" in June 2008.

We've been on skatepark tour all year with VOLCOM Indonesia, and play high school/college shows as many as possible. We've also opened Skin Of Tears show (punk rock from Germany) & MXPX (pop-punk from US). Anyhow, we are sponsored by the greatest skate/surf companies ever, Volcom and any products like Macbeth, Truth Custom Drums, and Peter Says Denim.

Our recent goal was big, hairy and scary; we want to change the face of music industry in our country. We're trying to write down the path for newer bands that they can reach their dreams if they work for it. Its like providing an intellectual property so that new young creative bands with hard work attitude wont reinventing the wheel. We would like to see more kids start to wear band t-shirt, start to skate and believe on their passion to live their own things. It's important to see kids which getting into more creative hype and do their best for their life and gives something back to their community. That's what great American bands do for a living, and it inspires us so much.

Big Love & Hope,

At the first time Purgatory was known as a Death Metal band that struggled in the time of ignorance in Indonesia. Many kinds of downfalls built these men even stronger and more optimistic in approaching their goal. Many times of members changed and many performances brought them closer to perfection in improving their musicality, which is obviously shown in their music and existence until now. Purgatory had their debut in 1994 by releasing their first 6 (six) songs in mini album, ABYSS CALL. In 1998, Purgatory got their first contribution with their song SAKARATUL MAUT in a compilation called Metalik Klinik I, produced by Rotorcorp, which also produced their album AMBANG KEPUNAHAN in the next year (1999). Until they improved themselves by adding turntable, sampling and one more vocal, in the end of 2003, this formation was established in album 7:172, featuring Eet "Edane" in a song called PARANOIA, produced by ZR Production, with Sony Music Indonesia as the distributor. Echo of this album bounced longer than they expected, as how it attracted ears that put Purgatory in compilation albums. 2004, Morbid Noise Record put DRAGDOWN (7:172) in their compilation album called Metaloblast, the next year in 2005, Purgatory made INSIDE U song as one of part in compilation album titled OST Gerbang 13, this song was also contributed in compilation album Revolution of Sound, produced by ZR Production and Sony/BMG as the distributor. In the same year, M.O.G.S.A.W (7:172) was chosen to be part of compilation album called Planet Rock, by Sony/BMG. 

Purgatory also chosen to represent Indonesia by contributing one of their song DOWNFALL (The Battle of Uhud), in a project of Century Media (Germany) and Alfa Record (Indonesia), produced and aligned with the world most powerful names, such as Napalm Death, Lacuna Coil, God Forbid, Shadows Fall and many more. The compilation album itself called The Art of Metal. The song DOWNFALL (The Battle of Uhud) is taken from the album titled BEAUTY LIES BENEATH which is released at Dec 2006.

The band came up in May 2000 created by the singer Alex Necrotorture with the name of Suspiria. In Jenuary 2001, after various line-up modifications, the band recorded its first promo cd " Psychotic Necrophilus" always under the name of Suspiria.

In autumn 2001, after about eight months from the publication of the first promo cd, the band decided to replace the drummer because his lack of experience. It tasted some drummers around and, thanks to the conctats of the singer Alex Necrotorture, the band arrived at the test room with the ex-drummer of Terremoto. Leaving behind the first promo cd the band changed its name for a new project with the new name of NECROTORTURE (from the nickname of the singer) that recorded, in about three months, an new demo cd with four pieces. Among these, two songs from the old work were re-erranged in a different way and undoubtedly became more potent for the better ability of the new drummer. The band offers, in its works, brutal gore with splatter inspiration and presents texts full of themes about serial killers, science-fiction aliens, pornography based on sexual obsessions of maniacs, killers and killing-art men. After this cd demo called "Exploring ways of flesh", the band have played with bands like Horrid, Bastard Saints, Necrophilism, Cadaveric Crematorium, Virulent Re-Shapes, with great success and receiving congratulations by those presents. During the show, the band arrenged horror scenographies.

Lamb of God merupakan band Groove metal Amerika yang terbentuk di tahun 1990 di daerah Richmond, Virginia yang awalnya dikenal dengan nama Burn the Priest. Mereka merubah nama tersebut setelah merilis debut album yang bertitel sama dengan nama band, yakni Burn the Priest (album) di tahun 1999.Lamb of God konsisten dengan vokalis Randy Blythe, gitaris Mark Morton dan Willie Adler, bassis John Campbell, dan drummer Chris Adler. Selain itu musik yang mereka mainkan juga dikenal sebagai New Wave of American Heavy Metal.

Sejauh ini mereka telah merilis enam album penuh, satu album live dan tiga DVD dengan penjualan yang rata-rata mencapai lebih dari dua juta keping untuk wilayah Amerika. Dan di tahun 2007 band ini dianugrahi penghargaan Grammy untuk kategori Best Metal Performance atas rilisan bertitel Sacrament yang beredar di tahun 2006. Lamb of God telah melakukan tur Ozzfest sebanyak dua kali dan mereka juga tampil di hajatan Download, Soundwave serta Gigantour.

Untuk pertama kalinya, band ini tampil di Indonesia yang diadakan oleh Solucites di tanggal 9 Maret 2009 dengan kesuksesan luar biasa.

Burn the Priest (1999)
New American Gospel (2000)
As the Palaces Burn (2003)
Ashes of the Wake (2004)
Sacrament (2006)
Wrath (2009)

Randy Blythe – vokalis (1995 - sekarang)
Mark Morton – gitaris (1990 - sekarang)
Willie Adler – gitaris (1998 - sekarang)
John Campbell – bassis (1990 - sekarang)
Chris Adler – drummer (1990 - sekarang)

Deskripsi di atas dari artikel Wikipedia Lamb of God, berlisensi CC-BY-SA, daftar lengkap kontributor di sini.

Terus terang saja ada sebuah kesulitan yang amat sangat ketika saya di suruh menuliskan sesuatu tentang diri sendiri yang sifatnya abstraktif dan imajinatif. Mencoba memvisualisasikan bentuk band ke dalam rangkaian huruf dan kata. Setidaknya bukan dalam bentuk fisik tapi lebih kepada paparan ide dan attitude sebuah band. Meraba-raba sendiri, konak sendiri, orgasme sendiri...wow ! makanya sorry banget kalo misalnya tulisan ini rada bersifat "sepihak" alias terlalu subjektif. Untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya non teknis, pengennya sih di tulis sama orang lain. Yah itung-itung menghindari kalimat-kalimat yang sifatnya kege'eran dan juga biar objektifitasnya mantep. Tapi terserah juga sih mau nulis apa tentang kita ...karena kebenaran itu interpretasi setiap orang. Bebas coy...

Terbentuknya FORGOTTEN tidak pernah lepas dari sejarah komunitas musik HOMELESS CREW di Ujungberung. Kota kecil di timur kota Bandung, sesak oleh industri, padat oleh penduduk, kumuh oleh imigran. Sebuah komunitas musik sebagai wadah dari ketidakpuasan kondisi sosiokultur yang dirasa makin tak beridentitas. Mereka lahir dan berkembang untuk menjadi sebuah counter culture. Tahun 1994 FORGOTTEN terbentuk dengan formasi:
§ Ferly } gitar
§ Toteng } gitar
§ Kardun } bass
§ Addy Gembel } vokal
§ Kudung } drum

Bulan January 1997 album pertama "FUTURE SYNDROME" di rilis. Debut album yang di rekam di PALAPA STUDIO Bandung, bermaterikan enam buah lagu berlirik Inggris di rilis oleh bendera indie lokal PALAPA RECORD. Peredarannya mencakup wilayah Indonesia dan Asia. Sedangkan untuk peredaran di wilayah Eropa di rilis oleh perusahaan indie Jerman MORBID RECORDS. Bulan Maret 1998 album single promo FORGOTTEN bermaterikan dua buah lagu dengan titel "OBSESI MATI Promo Tape 98" di rilis di bawah perusahaan indie lokal ROCK RECORD. Di tengah kesibukan berbagai proyek kompilasi sejumlah label record, Ferly pemain gitar mengundurkan diri. Proyek full album yang ke dua mulai di garap pada bulan Februari 2000. Bertempat di studio Rehearsal 40124 Bandung, sepuluh materi lagu mulai di rekam. Di bawah label indie lokal Extreme Soul Production, bulan Agustus 2000 album kedua "OBSESI MATI" dirilis. Pada album inilah akhirnya Kudung pemain dram mengundurkan diri dan untuk sementara posisinya di gantikan oleh Andris dramer dari DISINFECTED. Bulan Juli 2001 FORGOTTEN masuk studio lagi. Bertempat di Bintang 41 studio Bandung, empat buah lagu berlirik Indonesia di garap. Dengan titel "TUHAN TELAH MATI" bulan Agustus 2001 mini album tersebut dirilis di bawah perusahaan indie lokal ROCK RECORD. Mei 2002 Kardun pemain bass mengundurkan diri dan untuk sementara FORGOTTEN masih memakai pemain bass additional, Dikky dari POSTMORTEM.

Bulan Maret 2003 FORGOTTEN merilis album ‘TIGA ANGKA ENAM dibawah label ROTTREVORE RECORDS. Pada masa inilah akhirnya Andris (drum) mengundurkan diri dan posisinya di gantikan sementara oleh pemain drum MOTOR DEATH.

Bicara tentang musik dan lirik FORGOTTEN semua tidak bisa di lepaskan dengan realitas yang sedang terjadi di sekitar kita. Sebagai sebuah refleksi realitas yang berasal dari suatu kondisi psikologis tertentu yang di tuangkan kedalam bentuk notasi dan syair beraturan. Singkatnya adalah ekspresi kejujuran. Realitas bisa menimbulkan berbagai macam interpretasi tergantung dari sudut pandang individunya masing-masing. Sudut pandang itulah yang bisa menimbulkan kondisi-kondisi ekstrim kejiwaan tertentu. Kondisi kejiwaan ekstrim inilah yang coba di refleksikan kedalam musik dan lirik FORGOTTEN. Sudut pandang yang di pakai tentu saja yang radikal.

Tentang pengaruh dalam bermusik itu pasti ada. Tak ada musik yang tak terpengaruh apa-apa. Musik itu tidak murni. Yang ada adalah musik berkarakter. Semua saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain sehingga melahirkan genre musik baru. Karakter inilah yang terbentuk melalui sebuah proses yang panjang, rumit, dan melibatkan semua unsur yang ada pada masa lalu maupun yang sedang berlangsung saat ini. Pengaruh terkuat musik dan sound FORGOTTEN adalah musik-musik heavy metal era tahun 80-an dan 90-an. Seperti Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Dream Theatre, Yngwee Malmsteen. Yang paling dominan adalah pengaruh band thrash metal dan Deathmetal era 90-an seperti Slayer, Kreator, Testament, Pantera, Death, Soltice, Obituary, Malevolent Creation.

Lirik FORGOTTEN banyak bicara tentang realitas. Kasar, jorok, vulgar. Pemilihan diksi kalimat yang di tampilkan adalah kata yang cenderung berimplementasi pada eksplotatif-seporadis.sastra sarkastik. Nuansa sisi gelap manusia selalu di tonjolkan dan mendominasi setting background lagu dengan mayoritas tema berkisar tentang depresi, nihilisme, schizophrenic, putus asa, politik sosial, kematian, kehancuran budaya, psikoanalisis, dan kekerasan.
Pengaruh lirik dari berbagai sumber. Paling besar berasal dari buku-buku yang di baca. Buku sastra, filsafat, budaya,politik maupun buku teks. Yang "kanan" maupun "kiri". Buku Paulo Freire, Nietzche, Che Guevara, Ayu Utami, Enny Arrow, Pramudya Ananta Toer, kitab Injil, Al-Quran, Sigmund Freud, Karen Armstrong, Noam Chomsky, Albert Camus, Play Boy, CrimeThink, Karl Marx, Emma Goldman, Kahlil Gibran, buku terbitan CrimethInc, Agus Noor, Rendra, lirik Iwan Fals. Pengaruh dari film terutama karya dari Stephen King, Garin Nugroho, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disneys, Vivid Entertainment, dan semua wacana yang menawarkan subjek pertanyaan tuhan, surga, neraka, pahala, dosa, setan, dunia, akhirat. Segala bentuk wacana yang dianggap mapan oleh publik dan di gugat kembali oleh FORGOTTEN.

Sedikit saja yang akan saya ulas tentang attitude band. Sebetulnya secara implisit masalah attitude ini sudah dapat terbaca pada SESSI 1 dan SESSI 2. Yang akan saya lakukan hanyalah penegasan dari apa yang telah di paparkan diatas. Karena kita bicara attitude di sini bukan atas nama individu tapi lebih fokus kepada attitude sebuah band secara utuh. Sebelumnya ada sebuah pertanyaan mendasar tentang hal tersebut, yaitu "musik dulu baru attitude?" atau "attitude dulu baru musik?"...faktor apa yang paling dominan untuk mempengaruhi karakter sebuah band ?...

Dari pengalaman FORGOTTEN, ternyata keduanya tidak dapat di pisahkan. Keduanya berperan sama penting di dalam memberikan pengaruh pembentukan karakter sebuah band. Pada akhirnya akan sangat mempengaruhi corak dan warna dalam berkarya. Lalu pertanyaannya adalah "seperti apakah attitude dari FORGOTTEN sebagai satu kesatuan utuh sebuah band?..."

Jawabannya adalah : dengarkan kaset/cd nya pada posisi volume 6 ( ditemani sebotol bir dingin akan lebih baik !), baca dan resapi setiap liriknya, tonton konsernya, rock your hate, roll your pain. Intinya adalah you're the fuckin' rules !...
Dead Vertical, band yang didirikan pada 22 Nopember 2001 di sebuah kawasan pinggiran Jakarta Timur, dengan formasi awal Iwan-Vocals, Boy Guitars/Backing vocals, Bony-Bass dan Andriano-Drums. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu maka seperti lazimnya band-band lainnya Dead Vertical telah mengalami beberapa kali pergantian personil, yakni pada pertengahan 2003 Andriano (Drums) mengundurkan diri karena kesibukan kerjanya, kemudian posisinya digantikan oleh Bimo yang bertahan hingga Maret 2004 (setelah rilis album pertama “Fenomena Akhir Zaman”) kemudian ia mengundurkan diri. Selanjutnya posisi Drummer digantikan oleh Arya dari (Formyblood) hingga sekarang. Pada akhir 2005 Iwan (Vocals) mengundurkan diri karena kesibukan kerja dan posisi Vocals digantikan oleh Boy sekaligus tetap memegang posisi Guitars.

Dead Vertical mempunyai arti “MATINYA HUBUNGAN VERTIKAL ANTARA TUHAN DENGAN MANUSIA”. Nama ini terinspirasi oleh fenomena kehidupan di era sekarang dimana dunia telah dipenuhi oleh kebencian, kekacauan, pembantaian, dan penyesatan secara global karena banyak manusia yang telah melupakan Tuhannya.

Dead Vertical terinfluence oleh band-band seperti Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Slayer, Sepultura, Brutal Truth, Righteous Pigs, Massacre, Nasum, Lock Up, Rotten Sound dan lain-lain. Lirik-lirik yang diteriakkan bertema sosial dan seputar kehidupan sehari-hari yang dikemas dalam bentuk genre Grindcore. Hingga saat ini Dead Vertical telah menghasilkan beberapa karya musik antara lain Split tape dengan band Hardcore Philipina-Human Error (No Label rec 2003), Album Pertama “Fenomena Akhir Zaman” (The Eye Music 2004), Mini Album “Global Madness” (Dead Vertical 2006) dan beberapa kompilasi Death Metal-Hardcore.
Sweden’s Dark Funeral are without doubt one of the most notorius and highly regarded of the Black Metal genre. They epitomize the dark essence that is and always will be at the true heart of the European scene.

1993 was the year it all began, Lord Ahriman and Blackmoon [1993-1996] founded the infernal war machine we now know as Dark Funeral, one of the most intense Black Metal acts ever! In January 1994 the legendary, self-titled and self-financed debut mini album were recorded at Dan Swanös Uni-Sound Studio. It was released upon the un-expecting masses on May 4th the same year. The band quickly established themselves as a band to watch. Since then a lot of things has happened. The line-up has changed, several amazing albums has been released and Dark Funeral has toured no less than 45 different countries with acts as Dimmu Borgir, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Immortal and many more.

The album "Diabolis Interium" was nominated as best metal album at P3 Guld awards and in Oct 2002 the band played Singapore as the first foreign band in ten years (Metallica played there in the early 90s).

Their highly acclaimed live album "De Profundis Clamavi ad te Domine" was released in Europe by Regain Records and licensed to several other countries. On January 20th 2005, Dark Funeral signed a new record deal with Regain Records and in late May the band entered Dug Out Studios together with producer Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames, Strapping Young Lad, Behemoth a.s.o.) and c/o producer Örjan Örnkloo (Misery Loves CO) to begin the work and recording of their new, long awaited Satanic Symphony. Roughly delayed the band finally completed their recording session on July 15th, 2005. On Aug 8th, the band returned to Dug Out Studios to lay down the final vocal parts and do the final mixing of the album. Finally, on August the 18th, 2005 Dark Funerals new Masterpiece "Attera Totus Sanctus" was completed! It was released on October 24th, 2005. Upon the release the album climbed straight up on the Swedish Metal chart as NR #3.

And the success continues. After touring the world in support of their latest and highly acclaimed “Attera Totus Sanctus” album , they finally released their first ever DVD (2-disc´s)"Attera Orbis Terrarum-part 1 on October 15th". The DVD landed impressively as Nr 5 on the Swedish Music DVD chart. This is the first DVD in a series of two which the band has planned to release from their world touring for Attera Totus Sanctus.

Dark Funeral begin 2008 by announcing a release date for their second DVD set, "Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part 2". The 2-disc DVD was released on October 20 through Regain Records. This is the second in a series of two DVDs featuring outstanding, killer material that was recorded during the band's worldwide touring for "Attera Totus Sanctus.". While Part 1 focuses on European shows, part two focuses on South American shows, where the band has a fanatical following.

The band is curently busy writing material for a new studio album...



Sebuah band indie .beraliran pop punk/punk rock bermula pada tahun 2004 tepat nya pada awal tahun berdiri sebuah band yang bernama BUTTERFLY EFFECTS , band ini berdiri atas pemikiran 4 orang remaja yaitu keny (gitar),zaky (gitar),beny (bass) dan fattah (drum) . nama pertama band ini bukan BUTTERFLY EFFECTS tp SEPATU ROBEKS seiiring waktu berjalan kami mulai bongkar pasang personil , beny dan fattah keluar karena alasan yg tidak masuk akal setelah mereka berdua hengkang saya (zaky) mulai mencari personil tetap adhi dan sinyo lah yg mengantikan posisi beny dan fattah .

2 tahun berlalu tepat nya tahun 2006 sinyo (drum) akhirnya keluar jg dari BUTTERFLY EFFECTS dan akhirnya kami mancabut ryan (horny kids) untuk mengisi posis drumer yang ditinggalkan olek sinyo .

Zaky (gitar1)Keny (gitar2+vocal)Adhi (bass)Ryan (drumer)tahun 2007 pertengahan Ryan mengundurkan diri karena alasan ingin fokus bersama horny kids (band pertama dia)sejak saat itulah saya (Zaky) menjadi seorang drumer dan sejak saat itu juga Adhi menjadi serang gitaris satelah beberapa bulan kedepan kita tanpa bassis akhirnya tonda menawarkan diri sebagai bassis .

BUTTERFLY EFFECTS 2007 - 2008 are =Zaky (drumer)Keny (gitar 1 + vocal)Adhi (gitar 2 )Tonda (bass)ditahun 2008 awal kami kembali kehilangan personil yaitu Adhi dia keluar karena berbagai alasan , setelah setahun lebih kita perform tanpa Adhi tapi kita di bantu oleh Stevy (ADVICE FROM ABRAHAM) untuk beberapa bulan kedepan.

2008-2009 are =Zaky (DRUMER)Keny (lead giutar + vocal)Tonda (bassist+back vocal)ditahun 2009 ini kita telah mantap untuk mengeluarkan E.P kita yg bertajuk HARAPAN & PERUBAHAN karena materi kita telah matang . thx atas support kalian untuk kita, kita berdiri karena kalian .

booking gigs,event & info band :

We really do not know how to classify our music, because we just write what we love and love to listen to and play.
We're not really out to please others, and we do not much care for fame or money.
we are only concerned with togetherness, how beautiful.
We just want to play music appropriate to the circumstances of this world and what we feel we can for you and let you know how much we love you all.
We are a minimalist band, dedicated to people who are greedy, arrogant, hypocritical, so quick to die and go to hell and we hope to shine to you in our music and our lives, and on stage.


Thanks for people that supported Us!!!
We just wanna play music yeah!!!

our concept:

Ambulance Panic Voice or called "APV" is a pop-punk band based in Semarang city,Central Java.
Was formed on June 1st 2009 the band consists of 4 members named Ipul(guitar/voc), Igor(synth/voc), Bujhank(bass), Dhenie(drum), and then they find Pugu(guitar) in early August 2009 and became 5 members.
With heartthrob lyrics and catchy synth touch,the band has found themselves growing nationally into teen hearts as well as onto their myspace pages and tried to enliven the Indonesian indie music.
The band is actually a side project from each of members who already have a band with a different genre,such as Ippul and Dhenie are guitarist and drummer of the same bands with Screamo genre,Bhujank is vocalist in a band with Experimental Metal genre, Iggor also synthesizer in a band with Visual Kei genre (one of the Japanese genre of rock music combined with fashion) and has a nickname "Yasuo" in those band.
Each one of these guys has a special personality that helps fans connect with them on a daily basis.They each have such an outgoing personality while being overly humorous.
They love to interact and talk with every single person they meet creating a special relationship with every fan.

The band has released single "Temani Disini" two weeks after they formed.
Currently writing their full length, the band plans to tour as much as possible until they record and release album.
Come hang out with these guys at a show near you and see what they are all about, you wont leave disappointed!



The Black Dahlia Murder is an American heavy metal band from Waterford, Michigan, formed in 2000. Their band name is derived from the unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short, often referred to as Black Dahlia.


The Black Dahlia Murder gained their final band line-up in January 2001 and released their first demo entitled What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse, and a four-track EP, A Cold-Blooded Epitaph, the latter of which the group released on its own Lovelost Records. After appearing in concerts such as the Milwaukee Metal Fest, The Black Dahlia Murder signed to Metal Blade Records in 2003.

The band played in Ozzfest 2005 and also participated in the Sounds of the Underground tour in 2006, which encompasses both the United States and Canada. They also played at Wacken Open Air in 2007.

Current bassist Bart Williams left his former band, Detroit's Today I Wait, to tour with the Black Dahlia Murder. After touring with the band on their co-headlining gig with Throwdown and their European dates with Liar, he joined the group full-time, replacing former bassist David Lock. Frontman Trevor Strnad said that Lock was fired for incompetency.Williams was one of two engineers (the other being Walls of Jericho's Mike Hasty) on the band's first full-length album, Unhallowed.

The band's second album Miasma peaked at #118 on the Billboard 200.After touring for the Miasma record drummer Zach Gibson left the band leading to Pierre Langlois joining. Zach Gibson went on to join Abigail Williams. Recently, Pierre Langlois left the band for a more secure lifestyle, and the band has finished their search for a replacement drummer and found former All That Remains drummer, Shannon Lucas.

Their third album, entitled Nocturnal, was released on September 18, 2007. The album debuted at #72 on the Billboard 200.

The Black Dahlia Murder announced on their MySpace that they were going on a U.S. tour with Cannibal Corpse to promote their new album Nocturnal and celebrate the 25 years that Metal Blade Records has been in business. They were joined by label-mates The Red Chord, Aeon, The Absence, and Goatwhore.

In January/February 2008, the band embarked on a U.S. headlining tour with 3 Inches of Blood, Hate Eternal, and Decrepit Birth, followed by another alongside Brain Drill and Animosity. They were on Hot Topic's "Summer Slaughter Tour" with Kataklysm, Cryptopsy, Vader, Whitechapel, and Despised Icon.

Recently the band has announced that long time lead guitarist John K has left the band and has been replaced by Ryan Knight.

In May 2009, The Black Dahlia Murder released their first DVD, "Majesty". The DVD contains a documentary and live footage from the Summer Slaughter tour and their tour supporting Children of Bodom in late 2008. The DVD also contains all of their music videos and behind the scenes footage.

The Black Dahlia Murder released Deflorate on September 15, 2009 via Metal Blade Records. In addition to hitting the #43 position in Billboard's Top 200 charts, the record came in at #5 on Billboard's Independent Albums chart, #4 on Billboard's Top Hard Music Albums chart, and #50 on HITS Top 50 Albums chart.They toured with Children of Bodom and Skeletonwitch in support of the album.

On July 7, 2009, their song "What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse" was made available as downloadable content for Rock Band.

"Funeral Thirst"
"A Vulgar Picture"
"Statutory Ape"
"What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse"
"Everything Went Black"
Drop Dead, Gorgeous is a post-hardcore band from Denver, Colorado. They are currently signed to Suretone Records. The band consists of frontman Danny Stillman (vocals), Kyle Browning (lead guitar, vocals), Jake Hansen (bass) and Danny Cooper (drums). To date they have released three full-length albums, as well as an EP.

In June 2007, Drop Dead, Gorgeous played along with fellow Rise Records label mates The Devil Wears Prada, Dance Gavin Dance, and At The Throne of Judgment on the Rise Records tour. From July 18 to July 22, they played a series of shows in Mexico, before joining the Vans Warped Tour 2007, playing dates from July 25 to August 25. In the duration of their touring in Warped Tour.

In September and October 2007, they toured in support of Aiden with Still Remains, and 1997 on their first full headlining US tour. They also joined Alesana, Idiot Pilot, and The Number Twelve Looks Like You at the end of November. They filled in for Escape the Fate at the Australian Taste of Chaos shows.

In March 2009 they toured with Alesana, I Set My Friends On Fire, and Fear Before.

They then headlined "The Hot N' Heavy Tour" with support from He Is Legend, Before Their Eyes, and And Then There Were None. On the second half of the tour Eyes Set to Kill and Watchout! There's Ghosts joined in.

They went on tour again on October 9, 2009 in support of Blessthefall and Finch on the Atticus tour.

In Vogue (Rise Records, 2006)
Worse Than a Fairy Tale (Suretone Records, 2007)
The Hot N' Heavy (Suretone Records, 2009)

Inspired by post-hardcore, modern rock and metal, No Talent delivers an onslaught of taut thrashing-multi layered riffs combined with astonishing electronic notes and intense hardcore breakdowns that meld perfectly with lush melodic landscapes and soaring, irresistibly catchy choruses. Sharp technical precision meets raw inspiration on songs like the addictive "Refleksi Yang Hilang" which is included in this page.

No Talent is proudly supported/sponsored by:

- Macbeth Footwear
- Petersaysdenim
- Kill Brand
- Raven Reich
- BloopEndorse
- Viole Clothing
- Iamdoesdesign
- Crooz Fashion Distortion
- Fourspeed Metalwerks

started from a meeting between niko (ex-Help Me Survive) and adnan, Azhar (ex-24 the end) in a music concert on 20 June 2009, they decided to create a band.

after a few days through the process, go rezky with anel as the guitarist and rani as a female voices.

the beginning of the band music begins with a stream of black metal, but we all feel the genre does not fit with the band, and start to try new genre like metalcore, death metal and ever tried Screamo but it was not enough to make us feel satisfied.we has experienced several changes of our music streams and we decided to try the genre that combines music with each other in accordance with their respective ideas of public personnel called progressive genre that eventually became our musical genre but still does not remove elements of metal inside the music.

in one day rani must choose difficult decisions with her parents.so, rani Decided to resign from the band and then followed Anel who Decided to make a new band.

we feel so bored after they leave the band,this fuckin music does not grow and get worst.times has passed to much, we Decided to search for a new people to fill the void guitar and there was a man who makes us alive again, he's have the guitar ability and after saw him play the guitar we so very proud with him , finally go agda as permanent members.

"DRAG ME TO HELL" that is the word of some movie often spoken time and again and it became the name of the band.

the philosophy about this band name is not to copy the name of the movie, but we want to explain that the people who cursed and full of sin deserves to go to hell and the lyrics of our song, we describe and give the message to all people who the people deserve to go to hell.

now we have the right formation for the band to convey these messages,they are :

Niko as the demon voices
Rezky as the lead guitars player
Agda as the rhytm guitars player
Azhar as the bass player
Adnan as the drums player

a pride for us, if all music lovers in this world that have been filled with various kinds of oppression can accept and respect the music that we provide in particular for metal music lovers.
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