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Danger Ranger

Danger ranger was formed in April 2008, it was all started when iink and his brother, fajar want to make a new band that sounds fun and little easylistening. we hope that you guys all will love our music. "music just seemed like to get people's attention !" then they call wahdan to play guitar , and iink call sandy to come up with some loops and other electronic stuff. hey, we need someone to play 4 strings bass ! so fajar call aldy to play it. fajar, aldy and wahdan are in the same senior high school, iink and sandy are in the same faculty in college.

actually, we've planned this band since early of 2008, but at the moment fajar and aldy must concerned to their final exam, than now they've finished that, and the band has warming up the engine.
we play poppunk or whatever you called it powerpop blend with some ambient's loops and other electronic stuff come up with fun and logical lyrics. in the future maybe we'll put some screamo stuff and metal riffs(just to have some fun. hahai!).

we listen to everything from Mr.Big to Backstreet boys and other pop outfit. our combination of influences support us to make a sound that resonates in today's "modern pop-rock".

our influences are : Artist Vs. Poet, the starting line, cute is what we aim for, four year strong, all time low, boys like girls, paramore ( some of you maybe called them 'parawhore' hahaha.. kidding)and many others.

our first song is called "what a horrible date !" has finished and we will record more and more song as soon as possible, but be calm doods we've save more bullets, and ready to shot you guys on the dancefloor, just wait for the party ! hahaha. yeah...here we are
DangeR RangeR
An original metal band from the smoldering tropical couldron that is Indonesia. Like Iron Man meets the Dark Night in a thunderstorm this side of the Bermuda Triangle, ZiFactor is Indonesian metal with crushingly heavy grooves and tribalistic beats, exotic mosh worthy riffs and incredible shredding twin guitars. Gathering influences from the pantheon of metal like Pantera, Sepultura to A7X and System of A Down and old school legends like Led Zep to Iron Maiden but spitting it back out with a twist of their own! And now exploding with their own brand of metal called Tribal Core in their epic mini EP debut - Kill Paradigm in 2008. An intricate blend of east meets west, head bang inducing cacophony of sound, heartfelt ravings of the soul and mind bending over the top twin guitar attack! (Lyrics are mostly in English, album available in i-tunes & cdbaby.com.)

"Zi Factor menyebut musiknya Tribal Core, yaitu perpaduan old school & nu school metal diramu dengan nuansa tradisional musik Indonesia seperti sunda, jawa, melayu, sumatra, batak, bali, kalimantan secara modern. Memainkan riff-riff dan groove-groove tribal modern dengan not-not etnis Indonesia super cepat dan twisted melalui gitar Ezra dan Eddy Simanjuntak. Unik, dengan 3 vokalist, dari lantunan powerful tenggorokkan Iwan dan 'harmonisasi' growling Bopaq dan shouter Tyo didukung dentuman bass Uya dan hentakkan tribal drums Adanz."
It began way back in the 90's in Hawaii. The brothers Ezra & Eddy both guitarist looking for their own style explored the sound of Indonesian traditional tribal music in metal. But after a long twisted life it was in Indonesia that they got together to form ZiFactor. It was 2002, the idea was a crushing & brain melting metal band with the sound of Indonesia that talks honestly of bitterness, hope & life here. And a genre that was to be called Tribal Core was born.
After a coupla years playing without permanent members, helped out by Tyo the shouter and various sessionists, at the end of 2005, the brothers met up Bopaq, a growler & Iwan a vocalist with 3 previous band albums (Wahh) & Bopaq's brother, Uya the bassist to form the current power line-up. They started recording the debut mini album 'Kill paradigm' with 7 songs + 1 bonus guitar shred in early 2006 at Eddy's bedroom. Adanz the drummer, joined later in February 2008. The band is a total d.i.y band. All recording, mixing & mastering, video, website, enhanced DVDs & CDs, contents, artwork, covers etc were all done by the band & their team of creative misfits.

A limited edition of the album was released in Dec '07 under their own self-created, self financed low budget label, Unsound Records, in a joint-venture with PRS SonyBmg for local distribution. Unsound Records is also looking for labels out there preferably metal or indie oriented to release ZiFactor outside of Indonesia. The album is also available now at CDBaby.com for only US $12.95.

In every lifetime there is an opportunity that drives one to pursue recognition and establishment. In early October 2009, Ryan Botha, Faisal Mediansyah and Bayu Adisapoetra unified as one with self-determination and dreams of launching THE OCTOBER FIGHT in motion across the world. This Alternative / Pop Punk / Happy Hardcore band derives from Jakarta, Indonesia. A region of the world that is almost barren with regards to music production. However the band pushed forward and in only a few days they gained 20, 000 hits on their Myspace Page alone.

”Simplicity meets complexity” is the declaration by which THE OCTOBER FIGHT has risen from. Even though the band consists of four members, the music exceeds forward with total drive as it would with 4-5 members. This enables THE OCTOBER FIGHT to offer their fans a versatile modern edged sound and live performance while methodizing business and music with honesty and a D.I.Y attitude.

”This is who we are” - THE OCTOBER FIGHT.

Situs Web:

Agen Pemesanan:
08176627435 (Ichal), 085883795997 (Ryan)
Hubungan Media:
085883795997 (Ryan)
Still virgin berdiri pada tanggal 25 januari 2006 dari sekumpulan anak-anak satu tongkrongan yang mempunyai Hobby yang sama di dalam bermusic, sehingga membentuk suatu band yang Mengambil jalur punk rock sebagai kiblat nya, di awal berdiri nya still virgin adalah STILL VIRGIN adalah:
Satrio ~ guitar
Ayuz ~ guitar
irmaz ~vocal
Adrie> ~drum

Dalam perjalanannya still virgin banyak terinflunce band-band luar seperti dustbox useless id No use for a name dan lagwagon,dan cukup sering membawa kan lagu-lagu mereka di setiap acara atau gigs. selain membawa kan lagu karya still virgin sendiri,still virgin sempat beberapa kali mengikuti compilasi Dan menghasilkan 4way split album yang di beri titel “fantasctic four”pada tahun 2007. Kemudian still virgin menambah satu personil pada posisi bass yang Di isi oleh fachmi Agar irmaz dapat fokus ke vocal saja. Dan STILL VIRGIN adalah:
Satrio ~ guitar
Ayuz ~ guitar
irmaz ~vocal
fachmi ~bass n bac voc
adrie> ~drum

Setelah mengalami berbagai bentuk perjalanan dalam bermusic , akhirnya still virgin merampungkan Album pertama nya pada tahun 2008 yang di rilis pada bulan juni yang di beri judul “dream hope and reality” , dan kemudian di awal september still virgin mendapatkan tawaran dari simpleton melodies records untuk Di rilis oleh meraka di album ke dua still virgin, dan di dalam pengerjaan album ke dua kita , terjadi perubahan posisi kembali, ayus mengundurkan diri dari still virgin karena kesibukannya di luar still virgin.dan Adrie yang selama ini bermain drum pindah posisi menjadi gitar mengantikan posisi ayus dan drum di isi oleh jaka sebagai personil baru still virgin STILL VIRGINakhirnya adalah:
Satrio ~ guitar
adrie ~ guitar
irmaz ~vocal
fachmi ~bass n bac voc

Dan akhirnya still virgin akan mengeluarkan album ke dua yang di beri judul “completing an endless friendship" april 2009 yang akan di rilis oleh simpleton melodies records.
For information:

Satrio : 08998394421,,Rama : 085692870970

ONE DAY FOR REVENGE adalah band SCREAMO POST HARDCORE asal jakarta yang terbentuk pada pertengahan tahun 2007, berawal dari sebuah sekolah yang mempertemukan Eko, Oky, Adam, dan diazt yang kemudian sepakat membentuk sebuah band.
Pada awal terbentuknya band ini yang sebelum berubah nama menjadi
ONE DAY FOR REVENGE adalah ENTER DIVINITY, dengan formasi awal Eko(Vocal), Oky(Bass), Adam(Guitar), Diazt(Drum) mengcover lagu dari band Chiodos, As I Lay Dying, The Black Dahlia Murder, Children Of Bodom, Killed By Butterfly, Jakarta Flames, Ect. Dan memulai perform dari acara festival, kampus, sampai gigs.
Dan akhirnya pada pertengahan tahun 2008 Diazt(Drum) mengundurkan diri dari band yang mengharuskan mencari posisi baru pada drum. Setelah itu kami mencari drumer baru yang akhirnya betemu Ichan(Drumer Flame Of Recca / Story Burn To Ashes).
Setelah beberapa lama kami memutuskan untuk mencari orang di posisi Rhythm dan kami betemu Abeth di akhir tahun 2008(Ex. Bassist Flame Of Recca) yang kini menjadi guitarist baru kami .
Dan akhirnya nama ENTER DIVINITY berubah menjadi ONE DAY FOR REVENGE pada akhir tahun 2008. Dan pada akhirnya menjadi formasi baru yaitu Eko(Vocal), Adam(Guitar), Abeth(Guitar), Oky(Bass), Ichan(Drum).

Setelah itu kami membuat single pertama kami yang berjudul I’m Finding You When I’ll Die, dan memulai perfrom dari gigs ke gigs dengan nama ONE DAY FOR REVENGE.
Setelah berjalan sekian lama kami mendapatkan masalah di dalam band yang mengharuskan Eko(Vocal), Adam(Guitar) keluar dari band karena pekerjaannya di pertengahan tahun 2009.
Bersama dengan berjalannya ONE DAY FOR REVENGE tanpa Eko dan Adam, kami betemu dengan Mbol(Ex. Guitarist MOCKER) yang kini menjadi keyboardist kami .
Dan Abeth(guitar), Oky(Bass/Vocal), Mbol(Keyboard), Ichan(Drum) tetap berjalan dengan ONE DAY FOR REVENGE sampai saat ini, dengan dibantu oleh Jimmy(Bassist STORY BURN TO ASHES) mejadi Vocal Featuring kami .

My First Wet Dream is a pop-punk band from Bogor, Indonesia consisting of Adit, Uun, Iniz, Andre and Andi. They are a group of individuals creating a sound with enough pop quality to keep your little sister's attention, and enough edge to rid them of "guilty pleasure" status. Hailing from stereotypically suburban metro Bogor, My First Wet Dream is comprised of five electric personalities with endless influences. Together they create a unique blend of "infectious, well-written punk with an undeniable sense of melody.

Situs Web:

For booking or contact call this number 085691473928 (Gunawan)

We have been gathered because we have an eagerness from every personel to make some brutal band. then we are searching the best name for the band that shows what we are. the only thing in our mind is LAST DYING FOR US. yes,that name was chosen by us. and we are searching for the right genre for our band,but it's so hard to find it at that time. because this boy have a lot of influence for this band. and finally we've decided our genre is metal core. at that time the personel is Hendy (vocals), Lukman (guitar), Deddy (guitar), Rezha (bass) and Fauzan (drums) .

at that time the band has been formed for one years. but the lead vocal had to leave because he must get serious for his college. and LAST DYING FOR US had been vacuum since 2006. and finally a new vocalist has join on this band. his name is FADIL and this new vocalist were invited by our guitarist to make this band hot as hell !!! which has been vacuum for one years and this band has start again with the brand new vocalist. so keep supporting us and we always trying to make you banging your head like a dog toy in a car !!

if you want call us dial this number:
Luthfi Raditia Huttama : +6285692043216
Mayanda Endaryanto Sudjono : +6285719720087

Hijrah terbentuk pada akhir tahun 2008 dari sebuah band project, membawakan aliran metalcore pada masanya.

Torture scream vokills : asep
6th clean : erbie
6th destroy : mow jep
4th low : oon
Bite destroyer : arie

seiring dengan waktu kami mencoba menginjak aliran ‘pure’ metal dengan berbagai element - element dan riff - riff yang coba kami kemas menjadi harmonisasi yang baik. Awal tahun 2009 kami memulai dan serius mengumpulkan materi lebih banyak untuk lagu pertama kami, element musik band dari daratan “Uber” (Ujung Berung(Burgerkill)) banyak meng-influence HIJRAH yang notabene beraliran metal seperti As I Lay Dying,Unearth,Chimaira,ACDC,Lamb of God,Deicide dll. Kami dikumpulkan tanpa ada kecocokan, tanpa ikatan pertemanan yang kuat, tanpa ada rasa kebersamaan disaat berjuang dari titik NOL.tetapi kami bersukur kami punya rasa kebersamaan itu.

Dengan formasi sekarang ini asep dengan scream killsvoice,erbie dengan 6 senarnya,mow jep memainkan percikan distorsi melody di ikuti oon dengan cabikkan bassnya serta di setiap hentakkan drum arie mengatur tempo gilanya. Kami mencoba masuk dalam industri musik indie khususnya di Pontianak dengan harapan dapat memberi warna baru bagi kultur scene metal di Pontianak. Persiapan untuk pembuatan lagu kedua HIJRAH dengan mengumpulkan materi dalam waktu dekat ini dan mudah mudahan akan kami luncurkan tahun 2009.

HOME SWEET HOME Patriot Hatta.
Disconnected (DC),originally from Bandung Indonesia,somewhere in south-east Asia, came into existence in 1998. The original members Arie (voc/guitar), Yudha (Bass) and Decil (Drums) followed their dreams to become rock stars and began playing at their local junior high school. That dream eventually led to the formation of "DISCONNECTED" or just "DC" for short. The name was actually taken from the title of a song by an american punk band, Face to Face. There was no special reason for taking this name. It just sounded good. Like their music.In the beginning DC played covers from some of their favourite bands including, Gigantor, Kill Rays, Face to Face and Blink 182. It took the addition of two more members PJ (guitar/voc) and Dea (Synth), in 2000, before they began to experiment and write their own music. This experimentation led to their combining punk with elements of electronic and trance music to create their own unique style. With their own music in hand they began playing a wider range of venues and released their first album "Inside Out." They also had a number of singles featured on compilations released by a local, independent record company. From 2003 'til present continue to produce they're own music and progressively develop new material.

Disconnected FREE MP3 Download Links
(Heaven Records, 2007)

Disconnected - Demos Cratos

Disconnected - Later on summer

Disconnected - what is worth when I found out you're gone

Disconnected - Never Going Down

(Myowndeck Records, 2001)



we have been gathered because we have an eagerness from every personel to make some brutal band. then we are searching the best name for the band that shows what we are. the only thing in our mind is LAST DYING FOR US. yes,that name was chosen by us. and we are searching for the right genre for our band,but it's so hard to find it at that time. because this boy have a lot of influence for this band. and finally we've decided our genre is metal core. at that time the personel is Hendy (vocals), Lukman (guitar), Deddy (guitar), Rezha (bass) and Fauzan (drums) .
at that time the band has been formed for one years. but the lead vocal had to leave because he must get serious for his college. and LAST DYING FOR US had been vacuum since 2006. and finally a new vocalist has join on this band. his name is FADIL and this new vocalist were invited by our guitarist to make this band hot as hell !!! which has been vacuum for one years and this band has start again with the brand new vocalist. so keep supporting us and we always trying to make you banging your head like a dog toy in a car !!

if you want call us dial this number:
Luthfi Raditia Huttama : +6285692043216
Mayanda Endaryanto Sudjono : +6285719720087

In Hurricane Rhythm, an indie alternative-punkrock group from Jakarta,Indonesia. Formed on early 2004 .... where the college area meet the punk-guys up. The early In hurricane rhythm was so called "The Untitled" which consisted of four buddies, Zio(guitar), Adit (vocal), Tebe (BassGuitar) and Ichsan (drum). Yeah,we know the name was sounds absurd and klise...

They started to spread their wings from campus gigs to burn, band festival, to any commercial off air events, and covering Taking Back Sunday,Thrice,The Used,UnderOath ,Emery,Statuc Lullaby,etc. We were just like crashing all the time..yihiii!

Back our way! yaiy! We were always held a routine rehearsal every Sunday in a week. Still,on rehearsal as if we would get a bunch of gigs. In a fact? there was nothin to showed us off..Like we care! we were on fire ! In short, Hendra (ex-Multiple Personal Disorder) came up n joined the band for enhance our music in Rhythm guitar and also Farhan(ex-noisy bedroom) on drums. Wham, he officially turned into us! In the same time we changed "The Untitled" to "In Hurricane Rhythm".

By the way, we were thirsty. Oh yeah,we needed a born new thing from this band. Guess what? After all tired with covering things, random gigs here and there, we just started our first song called "My Empty Heart" in the end of 2005. It made it..we just thought that the song's easy listening enough. Fans were always begging us to sing this song, and they marched together sing along. "My Empty Heart" was just like our new spirit, the spirit got us to the next singles like "pole of choices", "unspoken conflict", "sesali akhir ini", etc.

Miracle happens, we just got along this way together, pass it thru together, till..Its the time for our self-representation. In the end of 2008,We decided to produce our own album with D.I.Y way! Really-really Fuckin D.I.Y way,for God's sake and it got released on February 2009 titled "Obsesi dan Cerita". A launching party on the same year we held to celebrate this with our friends's band as the special guest star and almost 500 audience filled the floor.


This is the very hard part, suddenly drummer Farhan left the band. We were quiet shocked.The time we just would like about to face it together, we have to face a fact like this. Once again, this is life, and we can made it for,we can fixed it all. We were not givin up easily, even we felt we were just being challenged to remembered our commitment to help this band for existence.

Called him AgiNatha (ex-Critical Symphony,Lollypop Clothing owner) just replaced Farhan and gave us a new colour. We were welcomin AgiNatha as our new family member. See?we just fixed! Its not all about to start it or end it that being our motivation.

Its more than that, its something big,something really deep make us to always stay here for the band like family values , Its just priceless. Hope we will still on this path to gaining more voices, more quality music to being remembered everlasting.
Frozen Kisses born at the middle of February 2005. Frozen Kisses is a screamo post hardcore band from bogor, built by 5 gorgeous boys which each of them interested with different type of music. why we decided to take this kind of music to be our genre?? It’s because 5 of us can share our anger, memories, hate, emotion, bored, pain, and others on this kind of music.

Frozen Kisses itself have a meaning that something bad must not make us became worst, but on the contrary should make us become better than previously.Have happened many commutation of personnel in this band, a lot happened because the difference of music enthused by individual in this band, but now this band have found permanent formation.

We like to share our experience with the song that we wrote. All of the life, pain,pale,love and everything you ever had. Life it's not something to be afraid of but it was something that you should face. We love when the song we made were sing along with the crowd when we're banging our head in the stage. It's adoreable!

Come on guys, the past is the past and tommorow is our day! get your head up and keep moving on! keep optimistic in your mind and face it! Let fixed the future and living peace in this special planet called earth.

Situs Web:

for booking or contact and order merchandise call this number 08568553308 (Pramogi)

Before forming Escape the Fate, vocalist Ronnie Radke, bassist Max Green, drummer Robert Ortiz, lead guitarist Bryan Monte Money, and rhythm guitarist Omar Espinosa were in multiple bands together.

In September 2005, Escape the Fate had won a local radio contest judged by My Chemical Romance. The gig awarded them the opportunity to open a show on the band's headlining tour with Alkaline Trio and Reggie and the Full Effect, which subsequently led to Escape the Fate's record deal with Epitaph.

On May 23, 2006, the band released their debut EP titled There's No Sympathy for the Dead. The EP included two songs that were later on their full length album, Dying Is Your Latest Fashion. The EP was produced by Michael Baskette and helped earn the band attention from record labels and fans alike. After the EP's release, keyboardist Carson Allen left the band to join On the Last Day.
On September 26, 2006 the band released their first full-length album, Dying Is Your Latest Fashion.
 In 2007 during the Black on Black tour, rhythm guitarist Omar Espinosa left the band due to personal issues.
Ronnie Radke was asked to leave the band after he was sentenced to prison for multiple run-ins with the law involving narcotics and battery for a fight that led up to the death of Michael Cook. He is in a new band named "Falling In Reverse".[2] They will begin recording their new album, and touring after Ronnie gets out of prison.[3] As stated by Max Green, "First we couldn't tour out of the country, then out of the state."

This War Is Ours (2008-2009)
Main article: This War Is Ours

After the departure of Radke, former Blessthefall vocalist Craig Mabbitt joined the band, first as a temporary replacement, and then as a permanent member.

This War Is Ours was released on October 21, 2008. It included the singles "The Flood", "Something", "10 Miles Wide", and "This War Is Ours (The Guillotine Part II)". It was the first Escape the Fate album featuring Craig Mabbitt as the vocalist.

Before the tour for This War Is Ours, the band had never completed a full tour. The band later went on the This War Is Ours tour with Attack Attack!, Burn Halo, William Control, and Black Tide.

"The Flood" has been released as DLC with the Warped Tour 01 Pack for the Rock Band games.

Closehead dibentuk pada tanggal 18 Januari 1997 , bermula dari ide sekelompok anak muda penuh semangat yang menyukai musik yang beraliran Melodic Punk, maka terbentuklah sebuah band yang bernama Closehead. Pada awal terbentuknya Closehead, banyak dipengaruhi oleh band-band luar yang bergenre Melodic Punk seperti Not Available, MXPX, Blink 182, dan band lainnya. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, Closehead mulai menciptakan lagu-lagunya sendiri dengan harapan semua orang dapat menerima lagu-lagu yang mereka ciptakan. Dalam perkembangannya untuk menciptakan suatu band yang solid, Closehead banyak melakukan beberapa perombakan dalam segi formasi band. Terhitung selama kurang lebih 6 tahun telah, terjadi pergantian personil sebanyak 5 kali, yang membuat musikalitas mereka berkembang menuju titik yang solid.

Setelah melalui berbagai perkembangan musik khususnya di kota Bandung dan tampil dalam berbagai event musik, Closehead mulai mencoba menampilkan warna musik mereka sendiri. Dan setelah mengikuti beberapa kompilasi yang bergenre Melodic Punk di Bandung, Closehead akhirnya menghasilkan sebuah mini album (EP) yang dirilis pada bulan Juli 2002 oleh My Own Deck Records dengan menampilkan 5 lagu andalannya. Dan di Bandung sendiri, lagu Closehead telah masuk dalam request line beberapa radio swasta terkemuka di Bandung, dan sebuah lagu Closehead yang bertitle ‘Eat My Holiday’ sempat menjadi top chart Indie di sebuah radio swasta terkemuka di kota Bandung. Pada pertengahan tahun 2007 Closehead mengeluarkan Split album bertitle “DiscoPunkHead”, dan sebuah singlenya berjudul “Berdiri Teman” kembali masuk top request line radio-radio swasta terkemuka di Bandung, hingga tahun 2008 ini single tersebut masih masuk top request radio-radio swasta bandung dan beberapa kota lainnya, dilanjutkan dengan Kompilasi Family Vol.1 Distro Linoleum dan Nu Buzz.1 Prambors 2008.

Saat ini CloseHead sedang dalam proses pembuatan full Albumnya. Adapun visi dan misi Closehead sendiri adalah menjadikan musik sebagai suatu warna kehidupan yang mampu berperan sebagai pelengkap kebutuhan hidup manusia, menampilkan musik yang bisa diterima oleh semua kalangan serta mampu menghibur, khususnya kalangan muda yang banyak mengalami dinamika perkembangan zaman dan menampilkan performa terbaik bagi para pendengar Closehead baik dalam live stages maupun dalam karya musik (materi lagu) yang Closehead hasilkan.

Bring Me the Horizon (or BMTH as often referred to) is a deathcore band from Sheffield, Yorkshire. The band formed in the year 2004 from members of other bands within their local area.[1] They have incorporated elements of death metal and metalcore in their music, resulting in their genre best being described as deathcore into their sound on their debut album "Count Your Blessings" which was released October 30th 2006.

 They are currently signed to the label Visible Noise Records, but were originally signed to the record label Thirty Days of Night Records. They were also the first band to be signed to that label. They have toured in the past with bands such as Lostprophets (headline), The Blackout; Killswitch Engage (headline) and The Haunted. They did a headlining tour of the UK during March and April with the now defunct metalcore band I Killed The Prom Queen.

They are also confirmed to be playing Download Festival 2007 in June also with Iron Maiden, Slayer and others.

Oli Sykes and Matt Nicholls are vegetarians and make this well known. They joined in a PETA campaign against KFC.

In a drunken state Oli Sykes once told a Kerrang journalist that "we [Bring Me the Horizon] are over-rated, our EP was shit, and kids only like us because of my [Oli's] hair"
Blessthefall grew out of high school practice sessions consisting of guitarist Mike Frisby, drummer Matt Traynor, vocalist Craig Mabbitt and bassist Jared Warth. After founding member Miles Bergsma left to attend college at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, they released a three-track EP in mid-2005 and added guitarist Eric Lambert to form their first solid line-up.Phoenix-area gigs with Greeley Estates and an openly religious orientation got the band local press and a deal with Warner subsidiary, Science Records.The band then toured with Alesana and Norma Jean across the United States and Canada.Their debut album, His Last Walk, was released on April 10, 2007, to mixed reviews.The band completed the entire 2007 Warped Tour circuit nationwide.His Last Walk peaked at #32 on the U.S. Billboard Heatseekers chart.

Witness (2009–present)
Main article: Witness (Blessthefall album)

During the month of February, the band announced on their myspace page that they would head into the studio in May 2009 after their tour with Silverstein, Norma Jean, and Before Their Eyes. The band recorded their new album in May and it was released on October 6, 2009.

On May 13 the band announced on their myspace page and video blogs that they signed to Fearless Records.

On June 3, the band announced via myspace that they were officially finished with the recording of their new album and that it was to be released in the fall. At the beginning of their tour with August Burns Red and Enter Shikari, they announced that the album would be titled "Witness". In July, Blessthefall released a song clip on the their MySpace blog titled "God Wears Gucci", released on iTunes for download on August 11, 2009. In September, 2009 the band uploaded another track on their myspace page titled "What's Left Of Me". The album was released October 6, 2009. After the release of Witness, the band co-headlined the Atticus Fall Tour with, Finch from October 10,2009 through to November 19, other bands on the tour included, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Vanna, Of Mice & Men, and Lets Get It.

In October, the band announced on Youtube that they are working on a music video for "What's Left Of Me" and it was released December 14 on Myspace Metal.

The band have now finished their Commotion over the Ocean Europe tour with support bands Bury Tomorrow and Marionette.

They had recorded some songs in the last album of Greeley Estates, No Rain, No Rainbow with the particiaption of Jared Warth and Beau Bokan. Also the participation of the former member of Blessthefall, and present singer of Escape The Fate, Craig Mabbitt.

The band will also be featured on the Punk Goes Classic Rock album on April 27th covering Dream On by Aerosmith

A song from their album Witness, was a sound track to Ubisoft's Splinter Cell: Conviction. The song was To Hell and Back and the game trailer was released around the start of April 2010.

Band Killing Me Inside (Killms) adalah band bergenre Modern Rock / Emo yang dibentuk pada awal tahun 2006 dengan personilnya, yaitu : Sansan sebagai vokalis, Raka dan Josaphat sebagai gitaris, Onadio sebagai bassis dan Rendy pada drum. Pada pertengahan '08, Raka (gitaris) Killing Me Inside terpaksa mengundurkan diri untuk bergabung dengan band lain (Vierra) karena beberapa alasan.

"Gue harus mengundurkan diri dari band ini (Killms) karena adanya bentrok antara 2 band yaitu Killing Me Inside dan Vierra. Kedua band ini akan menjalankan kontrak dimana suatu pihak tidak membolehkan playernya untuk mempunyai lebih dari 1 band. Saat ini gue berada di posisi yang bagi gue hasil akhirnya sama skali bukan apa yang gua inginkan, dimana gue diharuskan untuk memilih Vierra yang disebabkan oleh "suatu faktor keluarga" yang sama sekali gak bisa gue tolak," kata Raka seperti yang dituliskan di Blog Myspace Killms.

Kemudian pada tahun itu, memasuki 2009, setelah beberapa kali manggung dan melakukan tour, Sansan (Vokalis) dan Rendy (Drum) meninggalkan band dan juga karena beberapa alasan. Sansan sebagai vokalis keluar karena memang pilihannya dia sendiri untuk keluar (sekarang ada di Pee Wee Gaskins) dan Rendy sebagai Drummer mengundurkan diri karena sibuk untuk rencana jangka panjangnya demi masa depan.

Formasi terbaru Killms adalah sebagai berikut: Onadio sebagai vokalis, Josaphat pada gitar,dan Davi untuk pada drum.Band ini sudah mempunyai satu album yaitu "A Fresh Start For Something New" yang hitsnya lagunya yaitu "The Tormented".

Alamat Akun Killing Me Inside

Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/xxkillingmeinsidexx
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/killingmeinside
Friendster : http://profiles.friendster.com/streetteamkillms

JAMAL : 085719219112 Or Esia : 02192245696

A Skylit Drive is a six-piece American post-hardcore band from Lodi, California. The band has released a DVD, one EP album and two studio length albums: Wires...and the Concept of Breathing on May 20, 2008 and Adelphia on June 9, 2009.

Formation and She Watched the Sky EP (2006–2007)

A Skylit Drive's original members all met while attending Lodi High School in Lodi. Cory La Quay (drummer) attended Franklin High School in Elk Grove, California along with Matt Mingus (drummer) of Dance Gavin Dance.Their debut EP, She Watched the Sky, was released early in 2007 on Tragic Hero.Following this the group toured with Four Letter Lie, blessthefall, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Greeley Estates, Oh Sleeper, The Blackout, Alesana, Before Their Eyes, Dance Gavin Dance, Kenotia, Pierce the Veil, and From First to Last.

Jordan Blake left the band mid-tour around November 2007 due to ulcers that wouldn't allow him to produce singing. Blake's departure was mutual between him and the other members of ASD. He went on to join Razing Alexandria for a short time, then formed the musical projects Watchout! Theres Ghosts and JbdJ.

Following Blake's departure from A Skylit Drive, Jonny Craig aided A Skylit Drive for a few shows after leaving Dance Gavin Dance.

Wires and the Concept of Breathing (2008)

A demo version of "Knights of the Round," was performed live with Jonny Craig as the lead vocalist during his few performances with the band in November 2007. Though Craig had written lyrics to the song, only the chorus or refrain is believed to have been kept in the final album version sang by their new-found, permanent vocalist Michael Jagmin. Michael “Jag” Jagmin, formerly of Odd Project, replaced Craig permanently for vocals. Craig Mabbitt was also trying for lead vocals after getting kicked out of blessthefall, but later joined Escape the Fate. The full length Wires...and the Concept of Breathing appeared in May 2008.The album hit #171 on the U.S. Billboard 200,as well as #9 on the Top Heatseekers Chart and #20 on the Top Independent Albums chart.Shortly after the release of the album they filmed a music video for the nonprofit group To Write Love on Her Arms directed by Robby Starbuck.They appeared at The Bamboozle Left in 2008 and toured in the summer of that year with Sky Eats Airplane, Breathe Carolina, and Emarosa.

They toured with Greeley Estates, August Burns Red, Sky Eats Airplane, This or the Apocalypse, Escape the Fate, Alesana, Chiodos, and Silverstein during fall in 2008. They also filmed a live DVD called "Let Go of the Wires", which was released on December 9, 2008.

In Mid-November the band released a music video for the song "Wires and the Concept of Breathing". The video can be viewed through their MySpace profile. 
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