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The October Fight


In every lifetime there is an opportunity that drives one to pursue recognition and establishment. In early October 2009, Ryan Botha, Faisal Mediansyah and Bayu Adisapoetra unified as one with self-determination and dreams of launching THE OCTOBER FIGHT in motion across the world. This Alternative / Pop Punk / Happy Hardcore band derives from Jakarta, Indonesia. A region of the world that is almost barren with regards to music production. However the band pushed forward and in only a few days they gained 20, 000 hits on their Myspace Page alone.

”Simplicity meets complexity” is the declaration by which THE OCTOBER FIGHT has risen from. Even though the band consists of four members, the music exceeds forward with total drive as it would with 4-5 members. This enables THE OCTOBER FIGHT to offer their fans a versatile modern edged sound and live performance while methodizing business and music with honesty and a D.I.Y attitude.

”This is who we are” - THE OCTOBER FIGHT.

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Agen Pemesanan:
08176627435 (Ichal), 085883795997 (Ryan)
Hubungan Media:
085883795997 (Ryan)

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