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Danger Ranger

Danger ranger was formed in April 2008, it was all started when iink and his brother, fajar want to make a new band that sounds fun and little easylistening. we hope that you guys all will love our music. "music just seemed like to get people's attention !" then they call wahdan to play guitar , and iink call sandy to come up with some loops and other electronic stuff. hey, we need someone to play 4 strings bass ! so fajar call aldy to play it. fajar, aldy and wahdan are in the same senior high school, iink and sandy are in the same faculty in college.

actually, we've planned this band since early of 2008, but at the moment fajar and aldy must concerned to their final exam, than now they've finished that, and the band has warming up the engine.
we play poppunk or whatever you called it powerpop blend with some ambient's loops and other electronic stuff come up with fun and logical lyrics. in the future maybe we'll put some screamo stuff and metal riffs(just to have some fun. hahai!).

we listen to everything from Mr.Big to Backstreet boys and other pop outfit. our combination of influences support us to make a sound that resonates in today's "modern pop-rock".

our influences are : Artist Vs. Poet, the starting line, cute is what we aim for, four year strong, all time low, boys like girls, paramore ( some of you maybe called them 'parawhore' hahaha.. kidding)and many others.

our first song is called "what a horrible date !" has finished and we will record more and more song as soon as possible, but be calm doods we've save more bullets, and ready to shot you guys on the dancefloor, just wait for the party ! hahaha. yeah...here we are
DangeR RangeR

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