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The band came up in May 2000 created by the singer Alex Necrotorture with the name of Suspiria. In Jenuary 2001, after various line-up modifications, the band recorded its first promo cd " Psychotic Necrophilus" always under the name of Suspiria.

In autumn 2001, after about eight months from the publication of the first promo cd, the band decided to replace the drummer because his lack of experience. It tasted some drummers around and, thanks to the conctats of the singer Alex Necrotorture, the band arrived at the test room with the ex-drummer of Terremoto. Leaving behind the first promo cd the band changed its name for a new project with the new name of NECROTORTURE (from the nickname of the singer) that recorded, in about three months, an new demo cd with four pieces. Among these, two songs from the old work were re-erranged in a different way and undoubtedly became more potent for the better ability of the new drummer. The band offers, in its works, brutal gore with splatter inspiration and presents texts full of themes about serial killers, science-fiction aliens, pornography based on sexual obsessions of maniacs, killers and killing-art men. After this cd demo called "Exploring ways of flesh", the band have played with bands like Horrid, Bastard Saints, Necrophilism, Cadaveric Crematorium, Virulent Re-Shapes, with great success and receiving congratulations by those presents. During the show, the band arrenged horror scenographies.

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