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S.I.N.S stands for Suicide Is Not Solution. An Indoneian Screamelodicore band.
The band was actually formed in South Jakarta. Now, they consist of Angga, Cocot, Akmal, Kawe, Babeh, Boni.
The other band like Attack Attack, Cinematic Sunrise, Funeral For A Friend, and As I Lay Dying have inspired this band.

They don't limit to add new elements to their music.
FYI : S.I.N.S berubah konsep dgn menjadinya Angga pada Synth dan Vocal. lagu2 demo S.I.N.S yang ada di account2 internet (myspace, facebook, purevolume, reverbnation) S.I.N.S adalah lagu yang belum diaransmen ulang dgn konsep baru S.I.N.S
buat kalian yg mau ngundang S.I.N.S utk show di party, acara2, atau pensi sekolah kalian, langsung aja hubungi ke nmr : 085693843988

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