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Never Stop Fighting

Never Stop Fighting was a band formed in early February, 2008 and located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Eventually, a 6-piece band was formed with

- Hadi on lead guitar,

- Riand on vocals and guitar rythem,

- Kiki on voucal,

- Dimas on bass,

- Awang on drums and now

- Fadhil on synthesizer/sampling .

The group practiced continuously and experimenting with different styles, skill and eventually developed a unique sound of screamo and modern rock .

The band has now 12 songs which are :

1. Never Stop Fighting
2. Lost your Mind
3. Save (Technology)
4. It & To
5. Feels Like Home
6. Perih (bonus track)
7. Bungkam
8. Day After
9. Silent Voices
10. Tragic ( 27.7.09 )
11. Of Load
12. Blame Me if I Wrong


Never Stop Fighting Event Management :

MANAGER : Atend .

hp. : 085691772525 ( atend )

msn : sumarwijayanto@hotmail.com

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